
Orderins ceo outlines ways for small businesses to compete in the (DaaS) eCommerce market

October 7, 2021

Delivery as a Service (DaaS) B2B on-demand delivery network:

Some retailers are using (Daas) for last-mile logistics, and how one retailer is using it to reduce the number of returns they receive, book driver hours based on your forecasted demand and access shared network of drivers

Today, the local e-commerce business has exploded as tight regulations designed at preventing the spread of COVID-19 have made online buying feel safer, and in some cases, the only alternative for consumers.

Retail sales in the country hit a record high of R1 trillion ($65 billion) in 2017, according to a 2018 analysis by shopping center and property research firm Urban Studies, but internet shopping only accounted for 1.8 percent of overall retail spending that year.
To put the scale of how far South Africa has fallen behind in the e-commerce business, 19% of all Brits and 10% of Americans shop online.

  1. Make it easier for customers to pay:

Once a buyer has chosen a product they want, they want to know how to pay for it in a straightforward and secure way.

According to the same study, 88 percent of respondents said that the ability to transact effectively at checkout influenced their decision to shop online.
So, if a small business is having trouble finding simple and cost-effective ways to assist their customers pay for their goods, it will have an impact on their bottom line.

Customers will not abandon their basket and go wherever if it is simple to pay and if you provide easy, contactless payment choices such as credit cards, rapid EFTs, and even QR codes.

2. When executing online orders, meet the customer's delivery expectations:

Consumer expectations have risen as e-commerce behemoths have grown and expanded their offers to include several delivery options.
They want orders to be fulfilled swiftly, consistently, and in a manner that is convenient for them.
Unfortunately, SMMEs often fall short of these goals.

Many small businesses that operate in the e-commerce industry rely on courier firms, which can let the brand down with late delivery and inadequate communication, leaving the customer unhappy, if not outraged.

3. Provide assistance in a less time-consuming and manual manner:

When a consumer has an issue, a question, or a concern, the last thing they want to do is jump through hoops to receive a company's attention.

An SMME will not only set itself apart from the competition by providing digital support systems that enable fast, dependable, and automatic after-sales help and customer service, but it will also be more likely to attract a return client.

The Ordering platform offers round-the-clock help via a live chat solution that utilizes a team of qualified agents who swiftly handle issues and delivers automated solutions to frequently asked concerns.

Source: by Luis Monzon
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